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Amaryllis Glee

Large, snowy white blooms with ruby red veining.

‘Glee’ Amaryllis have spectacular snowy white blooms with elegantly formed petals approx. 8” across. The generous bloomers will bloom in approx. 6-8 weeks reaching a mature height of approx. 18”-22”.


Amaryllis Growing Instructions

Place the pot in a warm spot within your home and water with approx. a cup of water. Water sparingly until green growth is visible. Allow the soil to dry a bit between waterings. Only water when the top inch of potting mix is dry, taking care not to get water on the neck of the bulb. Turn your plant occasionally to prevent the plant from leaning too much in one direction. Top heavy plants can be supported with stakes, and you can also trim back your leaves by 1/3 to help keep them more manageable. With proper care Amaryllis can be enjoyed for many years.

SKU: fe1b3489040c Category:

Amaryllis Plant After-Care

After flowering, cut off only the flower stalks and continue to grow as a houseplant. Continue to water and use a houseplant fertilizer with high phosphorus content regularly. Grow inside or move to a partly shaded area outside after danger of frost has passed. Near the end of summer, let the plant go dormant by withholding water. Remove any foliage and store the bulb in a cool dark location (around 50°F) for 4 to 6 weeks. Repot your bulb 4-6 weeks before you would like it to bloom and soon, it will grow and rebloom for the upcoming season.